Tag Archives: north sea oil

Phew! Lucky this large new oil find off the Scottish coast was made after the referendum

Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s the UK today!)

It’s extremely lucky for David Cameron and the winning NO campaign that the large new oil find off the coast of Scotland announced today was discovered just after the independence referendum.

Because such an announcement could have given the YES campaign a massive boost.

Couldn’t it?

GDF Suez and BP make UK North Sea oil find


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Oil companies warn that Darling is a depleting resource

In a dramatic intervention, several leading North Sea oil and gas companies issued a statement earlier today warning that Alistair Darling is in danger of running dry by 2014.
The news comes as a particular shock to Mr Darling’s colleagues in the Better Together campaign, who until now have based much of their economic argument on projected supplies of his dire warnings. Continue reading